Learn Teaching Skills For Young Children
Teaching Young Kids To Snowboard can be challenging. There are lots of ways to make your day and their day fun.
Small children can snowboard but it will take patience and having some basic skills will help. Flowing Freeride will teach how to pick the right snowboard gear best for you and drills to improve your skills. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you sign up that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Beginner Snowboard Lesson on Steering, Learn How To Ride The Lifts Safely, How to Snowboard: Balance Twist, Beginner Snowboard Stance, Snowboard Pads, Snowboard Training Hill, Demo Boards, Snowboard Camber, Building Rhythm, Snowboard Freestyle Boards, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, How To Size Your Snowboard.Responsibility Code #1, Snowboard Responsibility Code #2, Snowboard Responsibility Code #3, Responsibility Code #4 Look Uphill, Snowboard Responsibility Code # 5, #6 Obey All Signs & Snowboard Responsibility Code #7.
I know that most children take naps around midday. That means that I need to get them up on the slopes before they become cranky and whinge. Stick to their schedule. Most young children get up early. You will have the most success if you get going as soon as things open. Get a good breakfast and bring snacks for the journey. The kids will get hungry and the more time on the snow the better. It takes a lot of time to drive and ride lifts so I use this time as snack time or game time. Once we get on the snow we focus on snowboarding. Young kids will need breaks so make snowboarding playful, turning things into games. When they start to get tired, take breaks.
I’ve noticed that kids do better when they have one or more of their mates with them. They make things a competition and snowboarding is a very social sport. I remember when I was a young kid and all the times I went up on the slopes. I made some great relationships and memories. I was lucky that my parents took me out to the slopes and I made sure that I did the same with my 2 boys. I have taken out their cousins and friends. Depending on the kids personality they might like helping to teach other kids. This will give them more motivation to snowboard.
Video the kids so they can see themselves and even better so others can see them. They get super stoked when this happens. The parents will enjoy this too and most parents ask me to video the kids because they aren’t there. Nothing beats video footage to boast bragging rights. These videos will also create brilliant memories and if they keep going they can compare footage to show how much they’ve improved.
It isn’t the easiest thing to teach young kids and if you’re not very confident on your snowboard you might want to hire a pro to avoid injuries. Getting on and off the surface lift or conveyor belt is easy but getting on and off the chairlift can be dangerous. I’ve said it before and will keep saying this “the chairlift is the most dangerous thing out on the mountain.” The chair moves quickly and weighs a lot. Watch How To Get On/Off Chairlift to get some good tips if you are taking the youngster up. I recommend One adult per child that is six or younger per chair. You might need to help stand them up or even carry them off the first few laps.
Let the kids stay on the flatter area until they can steer. Taking them up on harder terrain too soon can lead to a disaster. Keep it safe and fun so that you have a little snowboarder that will grow into your snowboard mate. You can sign up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! Online snowboard resources like videos on our YouTube Channel and articles like these can help you a ton. Professional snowboard lessons help even more. My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.