Learn How To Snowboard Early Conditions With A Rock Board

Blake Tholen Clark
4 min readNov 4, 2020


It is snowboard season with resorts like Wolf Creek, CO opened and others like Keystone, CO that are opening this weekend. Early Conditions Are Rocky so don’t ruin your new equipment. Take out your rock board for these conditions. Follow us by subscribing on YouTube to get all our new videos & tips. Flowing Freeride will teach how to pick the right snowboard gear best for you and drills to improve your skills. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you sign up that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Bumpy Terrain, Snake Course, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs, Snowboarding Off Piste, Snowboarding Chutes, Snowboard Lesson Navigating Trees & Obstacles, Active Passive Absorption, Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles & Snowboarding Moguls.

I do like to chase the snow. I’m making plans to head over to Keystone next weekend. Colorado has got some early snow and cold conditions to open up their resorts. Resorts are opening all over Colorado! Finally snowboarding is back in the US! Who will be our new President?!! What a crazy world it’s become since Rona came to town. Two more months and 2020 will be in the past. I know going riding will help to forget how bad things are. I was able to hike Alta, Utah the last couple years as you can see in the Alta Roctober. I have mates in Colorado that are asking me to come ride. Utah is supposed to get snow this weekend and a few storms next week. I’m debating like the presidential election.

I love to hike and ride as soon as there’s enough snow. I scout places out so I know what’s underneath the snow. I like hiking/riding Alta (before they open or when they close snowboarders are allowed!) because it has graded ski runs with early man made snow. We should be getting some snow up there over the next week!! Here comes Winter!! Need to go make some powder turns! There are some risks like hidden obstacles under thin snow. Be safe when going out. It’s better to damage your equipment than yourself. Bring equipment that still works and no worries if it hits rocks. It should have functioning metal edges and a decent base.

We call this a rock board or rock skis if you swing that way. Wax Your Snowboard that will protect the base and make it faster. Repair Core Shots and big scratches so that water doesn’t seep in and destroy your ride.

You can burn through equipment if you hit rocks. I ride the Rocky Mountains and they are just that, Rocky! Steeper mountains like A-basin, Snowbird/Alta, Telluride, Beaver Creek and of course Jackson Hole need a lot of snow to bury the sharp pointy rocks. I work in repair shops and have seen the most core shots at Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

That place is one of my favorite mountains to ride in the world!! It’s steep and deep. It can be icy and bullet proof as well. I usually wait until January to get on my new snowboard to avoid damaging it. You can avoid hitting rocks by riding terrain that doesn’t have rocks under it. Scout your terrain in the Summer by hiking or biking. I know what terrain has grass, shrubs, saplings or rocks underneath.

It didn’t take me long to learn how to Ride Right™! It costs a lot of money to buy a new snowboard. It takes even more money and time if you hurt yourself. There are going to be risks in the early season or late season so take caution. Sometimes there is very little snow covering a huge obstacle. Early powder can deceive and temp you into riding into a boulder field. In late season one day there might be snow there and the next day it’s a big muddy rock patch. If you carry to much speed you can’t stop and you’re riding over all that mud and rocks. It’s going to scratch the base but better your snowboard than you.

If you really enjoy snowboarding you probably get a new board and keep the old one. Boards love to be waxed and tuned. Take care of your ride and you can keep riding it as your Rock Board! Get Hooked On Snowboarding with Snowboardclass/Flowing Freeride’s techniques by going back to other snowboard videos that teach how to improve your skills, improve your knowledge on equipment, safety, terrain and weather. You can sign up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.



Blake Tholen Clark
Blake Tholen Clark

Written by Blake Tholen Clark

I've been able to follow my passions of Film, TV, Photography & Snowboarding all around the world. I love to travel and to collaborate with others

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